Saturday, November 24, 2007


The prestigious Prime Minister’s CSR Awards, launched by the Ministry of Women, Family and Community Development in 2007, aims to recognise companies that have made a difference to the communities in which they operate through their Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) programmes.

Today, more companies than ever before are recognising the significance and value of integrating CSR into all aspects of their business operations and decision-making processes. Communities are being seen as more than just a market for the roll-out of products and services. The long-term growth and profitability of companies are inextricably linked to the sustainability of their processes and resources, and the well-being of the community.

The Prime Minister’s CSR Awards is the nation’s highest recognition of corporate organisations that have had a significant and positive impact on the lives of people around them. CSR programmes considered for the Awards should therefore demonstrate the company’s commitment to, and respect for, communities and their environment.
Submit your registration form and submission by September 30 2007 to be considered for the inaugural award.

For more information please visit

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